LoL Account
Leveling a LoL account to level 30 can be very frustrating. Instead of spending all that time playing with low level players you can jump straight into ranked and use that time playing and competing with players of your own skill level. Saving you time and you will get into practice immediately. Maybe it sounds too good to be true?
We offer LoL Account that are pre-leveled up to 30 and where you don’t have to waste a second playing normal games. Buy one, login, jump into ranked right after! Instead of weeks, even months of leveling you can skip that part and be in game minutes from now.
The accounts we sell are unranked, unverified and comes with a lifetime warranty. Oh, and did I forget, all of it is instantly delivered straight to your e-mail after purchase. We love to play ranked, but we hate to level, and there’s no way around that unless you use our service!
There’s probably a lot of other places you can get accounts from today, but we are by far the best place. We have a friendly and fast support that will always help you out no matter what. We have good enough prices, where we pay the supplier(the person that are selling the account) a fair amount for their time and effort to level them up, so you don’t have to. All accounts are unverified, for security reasons you can change the e-mail without any previous information from the past owner of the account, and verify it without any problem. Change password, all accessible for you right after purchase.
Stop spending time leveling your LoL account, just buy one instead! You won’t regret it
LoL Account