League of Legends account for North America
LoL Account NA: Are you playing on North America? Then this is the perfect account. Upon purchasing this account you will be the original owner of the account. Above all none else will have access to it. So once you’ve changed the e-mail and verified it none will be able to retrieve it.
LoL Account NA
The account has never played any ranked matches previously. The MMR(Match Making Rating) of the account will be fresh. Once you’ve played your provisional games you will be placed in your true elo or higher with a hidden MMR. This is the perfect start on a smurf account.
Capsules & Blue Essence
The account contains 50 000 Blue Essence which is more then enough to buy the champions you main or want to play. So this makes it very fast and reliable for you as a customer so you don’t have to hunt down the customer support.
You will get access to the account instantly after purchase, with our Instant Delivery System(IDS) you will have access to the account a second after checking out.
Therefore people who buy accounts from ebay or other sites usually have to wait or don’t get their account delivered at all. We strive to keep our reputation and to have a flawless record of happy customers.
Safe and secure
Changeable e-mail & password without having to contact us. Once you’ve bought your account you can login to the League of Legends website and change your e-mail and verify it as you wish without having to validate any old e-mail.
League of Legends Regions
LoL Account NA is only playable on the server North America. To achieve the best ping on LoL Account NA you should be based somewhere in Europe.
NA – North America
EUW – Europe West
EUNE – Europe Nordic & East
OCE – Oceania
BR – Brazil
TR – Turkey